Made of Stars
When eighteen-year-old Hunter Jackson and his half sister, Ashlin, return to their dad’s for the fir
Fantasy/Paranormal Kira Takenouchi 135 9th Jan, 2024
Commander Voshka Khosi of Alpha Zen is a rising military hero. While on leave on the planet Aristia, his men make an unsanctioned raid on the village of Inui. Although Voshka is furious, he decides to keep one of the boys captured as his special “pet”, because he is convinced, by the young man’s blond hair and unusual eyes—one blue and one green—that he is not really Aristian. He names him Aranshu (Rebellious Beauty) and the youth is brought with him back to Alpha Zen, where the people of the capitol city gather in massive crowds to welcome home the famous Commander. When Aranshu arrives at Voshka’s harem, he discovers that he is the only “pet” there—all the other boys are just harem boys—and they are all jealous of him. How will Aranshu react to his captor, now that he realizes his new status? Or will he continue to hate him? Find out in Bestselling Author Kira Takenouchi’s Alpha Rising, Book 1: Captivity.