Birthing the Goddess, Return of the Divine Feminine, Volume V, "The Eye of Intuition"

Romance, Fantasy/Paranormal J. S. Brown 23 18th Feb, 2024

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The powers of the Divine Feminine continue to manifest and expand.

The deep history of life on this planet is revealed.

Jean finishes recounting the fall of Atlantea.

A possible new student reveals herself as an adversary.

An former student returns with a suprising purpose.


The Priestess Intiates come into their own abilities as the Eye of piri opens for them. One by one they claim their power and a title.


Jean's journal recounting the fall of Atlantea is completed. The story spans over 5000 years and reveals the ancient roots of how the Luna Foundation came into being.


But when a new student, vetted by Suzanne Dominic, arrives in South America to join the group at The Dig, she is immediately recognized by Lisa and Bran as an adversary. Bran is then taken to a secret hideaway to witness horrors and perversions, but the next lesson of her quest for greater perception is fulfilled when her captor reveals the impossible.


Warning: Adult Situations and Language.


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