Domesticated (A Short Story Collection)

Fantasy/Paranormal, Romance Tess Barnett, T.S. Barnett, Michelle Kay 40 14th Aug, 2023

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Animal Spirits and the humans who love them...

What do you do when an owl who saves your daughter from dying turns into a handsome prince with a terrible personality? Well, when it happened to Garrett, he spent the next month digging through the mud and fighting off Bigfoot in an attempt to find his Owl Prince's stolen eye.

What do you do when a stray cat sneaks into your apartment and rides you like the last train to Sexville? Or when a possum with a never-ending appetite and the best happy trail you've ever seen sets up camp in your living room?

Domesticated contains fives stories of humans and the animal spirits they love. Stories of desire, lust and longing, presented with a heavy helping of trashy daytime television and learning to use the microwave. Read on to discovery how the world of spirits and the world of humans tether themselves together through the bonds of these five couples.

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