Downloading A Wartime Love: A World War Two Drama
Set in England, during World War Two, this romantic drama will draw you into the lives of Stella Baxter and Ruth Arnold. The two women meet in an underground station, whilst waiting out an air-raid strike in the early stages of the Blitz over London.
A strong friendship evolves between them—one that eventually turns romantic. But Ruth is a married woman—her husband is overseas, in Germany, fighting for his King and country.
Can a lesbian affair survive not only the tumultuous conditions that an entire nation faces but also, see itself through the fact that Ruth has a husband, willing to die for her freedom?
A strong friendship evolves between them—one that eventually turns romantic. But Ruth is a married woman—her husband is overseas, in Germany, fighting for his King and country.
Can a lesbian affair survive not only the tumultuous conditions that an entire nation faces but also, see itself through the fact that Ruth has a husband, willing to die for her freedom?