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Downloading Beck 2

Beck 2

Beck 2 - Owned by the twins, Rebecca Winters is Beck. With sometimes deviant lesbian lover, June, they weather the twin's absence. Beck is changing. With this change to her metabolism, she owns excessive energy, she can't sleep, or focus, telepathy between the lovers is her only peace. Her frustration doesn't abate, at the twin's return. They explain what they are, and why they exist. Beck will continue to change... now, though, Beck has a purpose.
Reminder, In Beck- Rebecca, an average 18 year old woman, graduates from High School. Any who know her, know about her questions. Even those who investigated her background failed to discover she'd been sexually abused by her father from a young age. She protects such truths behind a veneer of strength and surety, consciously protecting her inner self. Taking a position of caregiver for a pair of unique twins, she entered a world of uncertainty. The twins, Thomas and Trisha, are not human. She finds this out as they claim her, quickly owning her completely, naming her Beck. A game they play with her is to have her guess what they are. Through the series of terrifying events of the first book, she comes close to knowing. Yet, the truth cannot be discerned so handily. The twins must sleep for a month, and promise to tell her when they return, if she doesn't guess.
Beck 2 - Picking up with the twins in hibernation for a month, Beck immediately notices something off with the feed, compared to what Trisha fed her. She's grown different, with more energy, strength, and less focus… she can't sleep and nothing she does burns it off. Her martial training intensifies. Even her growing, sometimes deviant, lesbian relationship with June doesn't help. Her hyper-activity continues, intensifying, and her frustration mounts. Only June's tender love, passion-filled tenderness, and deep desire occasionally eases her mind, calming her with the love they share. The pair have an odd subconscious connection which develops into a manner of telepathy with hints of more in June.
When the twins do return and share their origin with her, Beck finds she will continue to change. The truth of these revelations takes some mental adjusting. Within a bizarre form of exchange, the twins share knowledge with June and Beck directly, filling them in on the horrific facts of their mission. Even more is shared than the twins realize, giving Beck an even greater reason to devote herself to them. While June harbors some reservations of the twin's ulterior motives, she is a hundred percent devoted to Beck.
In the course of time other factors reveal their loving relationship, for how special it is. It's not all fun and games with the twins or love and kisses with June. Beck is put to the test more than ever. The changes the twins have made in her, and June, allows the pair to survive and thrive. When next the twins go into hibernation, more comes to light of the situation than Beck... or June, ever expected. The developments, even to Beck, whose love of science fiction and fantasy prepares her for a lot, go beyond anything either woman could imagine.