Downloading Broken Earth
In a bygone century, this story tells of the first battle between the forces of heaven and hell. The main characters are the Aurens – or, people with magical abilities given to them by an angel named Aurelus.
The dark forces, called the Dúnanen, are led by a supreme Auren named Dain Aerca, who is the right hand of the devil himself. Dain Aerca is desperate to slaughter a group of three Aurens who crossed her: Jade Misaria, Heidi Bastian and Dera Black. Jade flees in order to keep the others safe, but Heidi (who is her lover), follows her.
Heidi seeks help from another Auren: Princess Lila of Onssgaard. When Lila falls in love with Heidi, the situation is complicated; but still, the two of them must work together to save their homeland from Dain Aerca’s destruction.
This is a PG-13 fantasy suitable for all audiences. For more fantasy action and romance, check out the companion books, Death Rock and Wolf Blood.