NOTE- Finders Keepers – Home(Book11) is Spencer's POV and Finders Keepers – Away(Book12) Is Julian's POV They are the same story and timeline, with different POV’s – Each one will give you the same ending, and can be read in any order. As the Author, I recommend you read them in book order to get the full impact of the story.
Finders keepers - Julian finds the phrase childish, but it’s exactly how he feels.
He’s not great with new people, until he finds the ones he wants, and he wants Spencer and Joe at home with him, and the rest of the family. The issue is, they both ran away and he needs to find them again.
He makes plans to secure the family’s future, but things don’t go to plan. He’s away from home, leaving the family alone and vulnerable, and he has to rely on two of his friends to avoid life changing disaster.
After trust and boundaries are broken, Julian has to take time to make his and Jacob’s relationship work for them again, as a divide threatens their D/s places.
As the family settles and becomes strong again, Julian sets off alone to find his love, Joe. However, when the moment comes, his impatient decision leaves them both in jeopardy.