Downloading Gnoll Kidding
Sure, I might be a little thirsty for the bartender. But love? Don't joke around.
Our adventuring party has spent the past few days in a quiet mountainside town enjoying the view. And by view, I’m talking about the tavern’s gorgeous gnoll bartender. Czeha is tall, charming, and has a sharp-toothed smile that can stop a heart from across the bar. The town is gearing up for its yearly fertility festival and the atmosphere is right to make a move—but is one hot night all I want, or is my roaming adventurer’s heart thirsty for something more?
Gnoll Kidding is an immersive first-person POV lesbian romance novella where you are the story’s female protagonist. Featuring fantastical monster appendages and a sapphic/FF romance in a D&D-style fantasy setting, this story is for your mature enjoyment.