Downloading Magic, Monsters and Me (Magicals Alliance 1)
In the enchanting world of "Magic, Monsters, and Me," sixteen-year-old Elijah's life is a delicate balance. Born into a prominent family, he's bound by duty to protect ordinaries from lurking monsters. Juggling his responsibilities becomes even more complex as he navigates the challenges of growing up.
Amidst the chaos, a newfound emotion blooms—his heart's resonance with his best friend, Austin. As they explore their connection, their bond transforms into a beautiful romance, adding both exhilaration and confusion to Elijah's journey.
Elijah's story is a captivating blend of fantasy, romance, and self-discovery. Battling both supernatural threats and inner turmoil, he unravels the meaning of loyalty, the magic of friendship, and the power of love.
"Magic, Monsters, and Me" is a spellbinding novel that explores the intricate dance between duty and desire, set against a backdrop of monsters and magic.