Downloading Montie’s Turn (The Shaded Parlor)
Sequel to The Shaded Parlor
The Parlor has grown into a multi-national corporation, with five parlors and blazing tables on two continents. Montie Cleaver has risen to the post of Vice President of Expansion at Clayton Industries. It’s her job to hire and train all the staffs for each venue.
When she hires the staff for the new Boston parlor, the person who will become a main host seems to be flirting with her. But there’s something about Patrice Flanagan that intrigues Montie, something she knows she should stay away from. But Patrice isn’t just Patrice.
When she shows up as Patrick Flanagan, Montie realizes she’s dealing with a multi-identity, genderfluid person who may be in direct conflict to her own lesbian identity. Can Montie fall for Patrice and still keep Patrick in his place?