Downloading Data Input (MYSTIC Book 5)

Data Input (MYSTIC Book 5)
A meteor attack has changed the world as we know it. Most of the people that survived now have special powers. However, as with all people some are good and some are evil. When the World Council formed, they created MYSTIC. MYSTIC is a group of men known as celestials. They have been gifted with multiple powers and were brought in to deal with the most horrific men gone bad... Nefariouses. These are men with powers used for their own evil, twisted purpose. Patch and Zion go back over thirty years. They have always felt an attraction, but it has taken Patch going off to Canada, to make Zion really open his mind and admit his need for his best friend Bram's, little brother. Patch returns home with a threat on his heels. Nervous to tell the others about messages left on his computer. No matter how hard he has tried, Patch can't locate who it is that is sending the messages. Now he has to inform his fellow agents, that not only is he now in danger, but because of many things he has done, his friends and fellow MYSTIC agents at risk, as well. Zion doesn't like that one of the Canadian agents keeps coming around the man he intends to mate. Confronting Patch, Zion discovers the Council has discovered Patch snooping, into their business, and now they have ordered a hit, on the man, Zion intends to mate. Confronting Patch leads to Patch resigning from the agency and leaving the one place, Zion knows he is safe. Can Zion convince Patch how much not only the agency needs him, but he does as well? Or will the Council find him first and take not just Patch, but Zion's heart with them?