Downloading Obsessed (The Desired Series 2)
In this thrilling sequel to Stalked, Obsessed follows the beginning of Paige Alessiani's superstar rise to fame as the sexy lead singer of her band Ample Abby.
After Ample Abby is chosen to go on tour as the opening act for music legend Isla Aldrige and with two number one pop singles of their own, Paige’s dreams of becoming a rock star are finally realized. Next, a successful music tour of their own begins. With her beautiful girlfriend Kara by her side, Paige feels invincible as her wildest dreams begin to come true. Soon however, Paige learns that with national stardom comes a slew of new problems, including an impassioned young fan who is determined to become Paige's one and only.
When the tables turn and it seems Paige herself has become the target of a deadly obsession, she wonders if her dreams will die before she has her chance to thrive underneath the spotlight.