Downloading Retrospect: The Salvation of Mac Scott (#2)
Mckenna Scott is alive! But far from out of her misery. After two years vanished, Mac Scott fought to unwrap the mystery of her disappearance and bring down the monsters that stole her life away. And she won. Yet, it soon became clear that behind those monsters was an evil force so formidable that they not only threaten her life but all of humanity.
Mac Scott’s path to rediscovering herself continues. As the conflict in her heart finally finds harmony, some bonds break - while others strengthen. Who does her heart truly beat for?
Her time held captive from the world and every battle fought to bring down Jakub, have taken their toll on Mac. The ghosts of her past haunt her, and she is learning that sometimes to move forwards, you must look back.
Mac fights to destroy her demons, but as she grows stronger and faster, so does The Culling. With the weight of the world on her shoulders - It is no longer a question of why she was captured, but if she can convince herself that she is no longer the girl in chains.
Escape was just the beginning; war is coming. Agent Scott must adapt. She must infiltrate. She must become a member of The Culling. Too many lives depend upon it.
Mac is back! And she is going to raise hell.