Downloading Secret Lies
Spying is not new, it's been around for centuries. Military soldiers have been persecuted for spying. If you're caught, you're in big trouble and if you're not, oh well. But what if you're on the other side? You're the one that told about the spying going on? It's a whole other story. People in politics give you a pat on the back and give you this bullshit about a job well done. But for military, it's betrayal. No one trusts you and someone is out to get you because you betrayed them and your company. As with me, someone was out to kill me and I ran. But I went back and I got my revenge. I was a Corporal just out of Basic training when I was sent to Fort Bragg when all of this took place. My name is Shane Silverstone, I'm 22 years old and this is my story...