Downloading Stage Stories #1 Bravo! Brava!
Lights, Makeup, Scripts, Costumes . . . Performances!
Jet Mykles, J.P. Bowie and Kimberly Gardner entertain us with the magic and mystique of the theatre. From Shakespeare's gender-bending comedies to the glamour of a Musical Revue, we're whisked backstage for an intimate glimpse of the drama, romance and rumors (and maybe even a little mystery) behind the curtain. Find out what it takes for a man to carry off a skirt and heels. Follow the men who wait in the wings for those behind the fake breasts and makeup. BRAVO! BRAVA!
stories include:
About Something by Jet Mykles
Sometimes Life's a Drag by J.P. Bowie
Woman's Weeds by Kimberly Gardner