Downloading Tales From The Village Volume Seven: Nether Kipping Books
Certain brats seemed to think that their Tops have it easy. The Tops do not agree and they take matters into their own hands. Chaos ensues.
Ghosts, goblins and toilet papered houses.
Jack relearns a lesson in what family means.
Ethan and Edward dead? If they aren't it won't go well when Jack finds out.
Trevor paints Jack's brand new SUV and Damon steps in to sort things out.
Aled and Edward take Jeff's boat for a little spin. Jess, Caroline and Jack are not amused but Ethan is.
It's Christmas! Holiday makings at the vicarage and everyone is there to make merry but who is that behind that Santa beard? Kevin gives Adam a sweet surprise.
Jack takes a few of the Tops, his brother and Edward and they head out to the Moors for a little camping closeness. In the middle of January.
The brats are parcelled out to Kevin and Adam who keep waiting for the shoe to drop and it doesn't which makes them nervous. Brats never behave this long. Or do they?