Downloading The Tooth Faerie: A Little Old Ladies' Mystery (A Little Old Ladies Mystery Series)

The Tooth Faerie: A Little Old Ladies' Mystery (A Little Old Ladies Mystery Series)
Warning: This is not the tooth fairy of your childhood. What does a gun-toting, sociopath, mass-murderer have in common with two female retirees who just want to have a quiet spa-like vacation in the Santa Fe desert? You’d be surprised. Marion and Amanda, two retirees, are married and also partners in an unofficial sleuthing business, solving atypical mysteries, using Amanda’s street smarts and connections, and Marion’s psychic “gifts.” Having returned from a recent sleuthing gig in the Ozarks, emotionally and physically exhausted, Amanda votes for retirement from sleuthing. Marion, willing to take some time off, but takes a ‘never-say-never’ stance to the possibility of another case—after all, when the dead come a-knocking, Marion can’t say no—vetoes the vote. The compromise was an extended vacation to rest and restore at Marion’s long-lost cousin’s cabin in the Santa Fe desert while she’s in Europe. Too good to be true? In New Mexico, they stumble into another mystery when Marion is awakened by a series of visitations from ghoulish ghosts beseeching her help finding their missing teeth. Along the way, they encounter a gun-toting sociopath, meet and befriend Marion’s cousin’s secret lover, find a human skull in the middle of the desert.