Downloading The Turnaround: Who or What Will It Take for Jordan to Turn Her Life Around?

The Turnaround: Who or What Will It Take for Jordan to Turn Her Life Around?

A small part of this story or characters also appear in my book “Revelations”, but this is the full story.Jordan always seems to blame other people for her messy break up’s, but, just maybe, it isn’t anybody else’s fault but her own. Jordan thinks she has at last found the perfect girl for her, if there is such a thing. But reality hits home when things start to go wrong yet again.Jordan has trouble holding down a job as sometimes, the effort of getting out of bed on a Monday morning, is just that, too much of an effort after a heavy weekend. But she likes the money so, she can go out with her friends and party all weekend.Being in your mid-twenties and still living with your parents, does not exactly make you a “Babe magnet,” as Jordan, is finding out.Her friends are fed up lending her money that doesn’t get repaid, and for the fact, that she never takes any responsibility, for anything. Slowly her friends are finding love and pairing off, leaving Jordan, the odd one out.Jordan has seen Alison at the local job centre where once again, she is looking for work. Alison, is everything Jordan, has ever wanted, but can she sort her life out, in time to get her? She has also met Olivia, is she the one person who can help her?What will it take for Jordan to realise that everything bad in her life has all been her own doing and make a turnaround in her life.