Made of Stars
When eighteen-year-old Hunter Jackson and his half sister, Ashlin, return to their dad’s for the fir
Short Story Adam Maxwell Bigglesworth 54 12th Jan, 2025
MY LAYOVER JUST TURNED INTO A SLEEPOVER. When a big Texan sees me in the shared showers at the airport terminal hotel, we make an unexpected connection. It's true what they say. Everything's bigger in Texas!
An airline captain tries to take a snooze at the hotel inside the Amsterdam Airport. In the shared showers, he meets up with a giant Texan who has anything but sleep in mind. Together, the two make a hot connecting flight in bed.
The story takes place in an actual hotel that was situated inside the sterile zone at Schiphol Airport. The hotel was segregated into men's and women's quarters with shared showers. Did the Dutch know what shenanigans this would lead to? That's anybody's guess. But it would have been a Dutch Treat for any traveler with a penchant for the love that dared not speak its name.
3,235 words