The Blondness of Honey
What William Shakespeare Might Have Said About The Blondness of Honey: “Love is blind” and “Love is
What William Shakespeare Might Have Said About The Blondness of Honey: “Love is blind” and “Love is
Vivien and Rose meet as teenagers in rural England in 1875, and quickly become sweethearts. Because
Action! Adventure! Romance! Historical love story of passion and intrigue. Danger in a world of secr
House of Bliss: The Intersection of Obsession and True Love.London, 1905 When ladies of the night be
Life is long, and then you don’t die.In a fit of non-existential pique, and an irrational fear that
This short story tribute to the Noir and Hard-boiled genre and eras of crime writing of Vin Packer (
As readers discovered in Episode 1 (Moravia MontClare, Vampire Vexed - included as bonus in Vampire
A young girl befriends an older woman, Frankie Bristol, in her neighborhood. They hit it off when th
You would think that if you were in line to sit on the British throne as Queen, you wouldn’t go runn
Jane has tried to kill herself for the second time—and once again, she proves to be inept at it. Her
When Margaret “Ret” Butler’s father gives her the Gay Banana Hot Springs Resort and Spa, the last th
England 1914 Two friends, brought together by circumstance and a mutual attraction that threatens