Reinventing Lindsey
Studying the past hasn’t prepared Daisy Parker—anthropologist-turned-matchmaker—for her latest clien
Studying the past hasn’t prepared Daisy Parker—anthropologist-turned-matchmaker—for her latest clien
Dr. Addison Greenway is used to a bit of turmoil as a human rights activist, but direct threats are
Corporate lawyer Winter Carlyle is the first to admit that she’s become jaded with romance after a v
Is it not enough that I have put up with her blatant disobedience and have tolerated her abandonment
Emerging brittle and cynical from a wildly dysfunctional family, Ngaio careers from ice cream factor
The story of a daring music project hatched in Russia after the economic crisis of 1998 with little
When Dylan Kowolski agrees to create a display for her high school library, she has no idea of the t
Mimi Adam lives in a shabby London apartment with an old sewing machine and unpaid bills, learning t
When Abi Okafor moves to New York to start a job as a makeup artist on a TV series, she is assigned
Maggie Ambrose is a fifty-six-year-old career politician who plans to run for president. To kick off
For Lieutenant Samantha 'Sammy' Yates, leaving the Marines wasn't an option she ever wanted. Forced
WARNING: Contains explicit descriptions of lesbian sexual acts. Intended for adults over the age of
Philippa Young had it all as a flashy, sexy auctioneer with her own tv show auctioning off glamorous
A woman who has been missing for three months is found dead with over 200 tally marks carved into he
A disgruntled former client attempts to kill Reggie Esposito, a senior law partner at Hawk, Esposito
After working at a Manhattan clothing boutique for a little over a year, Torry Hansen requests permi
Workaholic Erin Ryder was on the fast track to self-destruction. Reeling after her lover walked out