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No one really grows up wanting to be someone else's sidekick...always in the shadows...never really getting the credit even when you save the day. Enter Roper, Ceara, Danica, and Cassandra, four sidekicks who have saved the day, risked their lives, and stayed true to the path of their heroines, never really in the spotlight...never really taking center stage.

Until now.

As if waking up chained together in the wilderness wasn't weird enough, the four sidekicks have to ascertain why they are in this predicament...a dilemma that will bring them in contact with wild bears, zombies, demons, and other adversaries they and their heroines have encountered along the way.

And just as they realize their connection, they are given 100 hours to locate and rescue said heroines.
Rescue them from what?

The have no fucking clue.

What they DO know is how to protect their people.
But can a sidekick step up to the plate and BE the heroine, or will they have to acknowledge, once and for all, that a sidekick is just that?

Can these four women beat the clock in time to save Echo, Dallas, Denny, and Jessie?

Only one way to find out.

About Linda Kay Silva

My alter ego, Alex Westmore, and I have penned over 40 novels...

35 novels have been published by 4 different presses... 4 Goldies... a Lambda nod, and the Alice B award, and I'm still loving what I do.

I was honored with the Alice B Award for my body of work. What a wonderful and humbling experience to be acknowledge for the breadth of one's insanity!

I have been writing for 30 years. I wrote 4 horrid novels when I was younger... until someone asked me why I didn't write cop stories, since I had been one way back in the dark ages. I fought that urge, not being a mystery reader at the time and because police work was not a match for me. Instead, I took my Masters in English to education and I have been a teacher for the majority of my life. I prefer to touch lives rather than arrest them. Nonetheless, one day, Delta Stevens sprang into my head, as well as my heart, and so I wrote. And wrote. And the next thing I knew... there she was, and there a publisher was, and there was the beginning of my writing career and my love of the irascible Delta Stevens, who makes a comeback in the Echo series.

Like a love affair that sneaks up on you, Delta and her cast of characters came into my life, changing me forever. Perhaps it was Delta, maybe it was writing itself, but my life transformed dramatically.

Publishers have come and gone as the industry has changed dramatically. With Borders and Barnes and Nobles pushing out the smaller bookstores, smaller presses went with them...and so ended my publishers and Delta.

But I kept on writing... and now, I have published 35 novels in a variety of genres, and have won 4Golden Crown Literary Awards.

It is my hope that my readers will come help Inspired Quill grow into the powerhouse I know it can be...to read, read, and read more!

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