Made of Stars
When eighteen-year-old Hunter Jackson and his half sister, Ashlin, return to their dad’s for the fir
Fantasy/Paranormal, Romance Patrick Bryce Wright 77 8th Feb, 2024
Kohmi Sakurai loses his parents before his freshman year of college and relocates from Seattle to Kentucky to be near his only remaining relative, his half-brother Heiki, whom he barely knows. Heiki teaches at the local university and Kohmi enrolls there, despite fears about attending college in rural Kentucky as a gay Wiccan. However, Heiki is starting GASA, the Gender and Sexuality Alliance, as the faculty sponsor. Maybe Kohmi can start a new life after all: get to know his half-brother, have a supportive college experience in a community of fellow LGBTQIA+ people, fall in love, and settle down. Even better, the gorgeous redhead from Kohmi’s composition class, Morey Ives, is at the first GASA meeting. Morey’s Southern manners make it difficult to tell if he’s genuinely into Kohmi or if he’s just that good at being nice. As if Morey wasn’t amazing enough, he’s also Wiccan and comes from a long line of rural Wiccans, but he isn’t conceited about it, unlike the “blood witches” Kohmi met in Washington state. Kohmi is officially infatuated. But the university president’s son Keith also wants Morey and views Kohmi as an interloper. Also Wiccan, Keith intends to start a Wiccan club on campus, with or without his Catholic father’s approval. When this fails to impress Morey or make an impression on Kohmi, Keith pays local dark magic pariahs to have demons scare Kohmi away. Unfortunately, it goes wrong, and a horde of demons is unleashed on everyone in Morey’s social group, including Keith’s brother. Worst of all? The people who summoned the demons can’t un-summon them. Kohmi, Morey, Keith, and all their Wiccan friends must set aside their differences and work together to find a way to dismiss the demons. But every day the attacks get worse. Will their magic be powerful enough, or will the demons succeed in killing them?